Photographs are saved using file names consisting of “DSC_” or, in the case of images that use the Adobe RGB color space (0 Color Space), “_DSC”, followed by a four-digit number and a three-letter extension (e.g., “DSC_0001.JPG”). The File naming option is used to select three letters to replace the “DSC” portion of the file name as described in “Text Entry” (0 Text Entry).
Text Entry
A dialog is displayed when text entry is required. Tap the letters on the touch-screen keyboard. You can also use the multi selector to highlight the desired character in the keyboard area and press the center of the multi selector to insert the highlighted character at the current cursor position (note that if a character is entered when the field is full, the last character in the field will be deleted). To delete the character under the cursor, press the O (Q) button. To move the cursor to a new position, tap the display or hold the W (M) button and press 4 or 2. To complete entry and return to the previous menu, press J. To exit without completing text entry, press G.
Text display area
Keyboard area
The following extensions are used: “.NEF” for NEF (RAW) images, “.TIF” for TIFF (RGB) images, “.JPG” for JPEG images, “.MOV” for MOV movies, “.MP4” for MP4 movies, and “.NDF” for dust off reference data. In each pair of photographs recorded at image-quality settings of NEF (RAW)+JPEG, the NEF and JPEG images have the same file names but different extensions.